Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Long Does A Person Go To School For Pct How Long Would A Person Have To Go To College To Be A School Psycologist?

How long would a person have to go to college to be a school psycologist? - how long does a person go to school for pct

Not many schools have the location of a school psychologist?


angelic_... said...

Ok start ... Most schools do not recruit psychologists. In general, someone with a master's degree in psychology, received counseling, but not as a doctor. A master can get to 4-6 years.

However, if you wish to become a doctor, you must decide whether to follow the path to medical school, what would be a psychiatrist or doctoral route, would a psychologist. The only significant difference if it excludes what is clear that the psychologist generally may not perscribe drugs. In any case, it usually takes 7-10 years someone through these programs at all.

I am personally in the end, a child psychologist. My goal is to finish right now, gentlemen, I can work on aSchool as a counselor, and then gradually work for my doctoral thesis. When I come, I want to work in a children's hospital.

Hope this helps!

Earl D said...

7 to 8 years, depending on how quickly they learn, or if you are to attend the Summer School

You can not a psychologist without PH D

It is so easy.

Pifffff said...

69 million years (3-4)

thesacri... said...

I am not sure but I think the 4 years

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