Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pediatrician Emergency Walk In Clinic Toronto Having A Bad Day. How Do You Handle When Bad News Is Given To You About Your Child?

Having a bad day. How do you handle when bad news is given to you about your child? - pediatrician emergency walk in clinic toronto

To make a long story short, I took my son for 4 weeks in the clinic today, problems with constipation. We landed in the emergency room instead, because the doctor at the hospital said that he felt a large mass in the region of the gut with my son, and suggested that obstruction or congenital disorder called Hirschsprung.

The pediatrician at the hospital my son has a suppository, which took 2 hours to take effect. The doctor was going to him a second suppository.

Though no longer blocked (until now), said the pediatrician, to bring him back, if you suffer from constipation again. Obviously, over time, it took until the suppository is effective, there is always the possibility of Hirschsprung's disease. The pediatrician did not feel the need to prove that at that time because he works exclusively breastfed. He wants to see whether this is a result of obstruction by chance, or whether they continue before running tests.

I am afraid to stop in my opinion now. Infants are not intended to constipation. My son isonly 4 weeks and has already stopped breathing and turned blue twice within 2 days after birth, spent a week of intravenous antibiotics, had an eye infection, a yeast infection and now he is a possible disease that only by surgery is healed!

I'm not sure whether he or I can take much more of this tension.

How are you going to do when the bad news about the health of your child, do you have? How to keep calm in the storm? I'm so afraid that my son, I do not know what to do!


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